Many Floridians may be involved in slip and fall accidents on other people’s properties. If it can be determined that the property owner or management knew of the hazard or could have reasonably prevented the hazard from occurring, an injury victim may be able to file a claim and recover damages from the liable party.

According to a new law enacted in 2023, Florida’s statute of limitations has been reduced from four years to two years from the date of the accident to file a premises liability claim. So, if you or a loved one has sustained injuries from a slip and fall accident, you must seek legal representation immediately to protect your rights.

What Should I Do if I Am Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident?

If you’re injured in a slip and fall accident, take the following steps to ensure your health and future are protected:

  • Seek medical treatment immediately. Many insurance companies will only honor a claim if the injured party has been evaluated by a medical professional.
  • Gather as much evidence as you can by taking photos and videos that document the accident scene, especially the lighting and floor conditions.
  • Be sure to retain a copy of the accident report and all medical records that pertain to the accident. They may prove to be invaluable should you need to file a lawsuit.
  • Write down all you can remember about the accident and how it occurred.
  • Consult with an experienced premises liability lawyer and avoid speaking with the other party’s insurance company without consulting your legal counsel.

Are There Exceptions to the Two-Year Statute of Limitations on Premises Liability Claims?

In Florida, injury victims only have two years to file a claim from the date they are injured. After March 24, 2023, if a person is injured due to negligence by another person or entity here in the state of Florida, the person must file a lawsuit within two years of the date the injury occurred or they will be barred from bringing a suit. At this time, there are no exceptions to this rule.

What Happens if I Miss the Deadline to File a Claim?

If you miss the deadline to file your claim, the court will most likely dismiss your case. Even if you file one day past the deadline, the court can refuse to hear your case, and you will lose any legal recourse you may have had to collect damages.

For this reason, it’s imperative that you seek qualified legal representation immediately if you have been injured in a slip and fall accident. A knowledgeable attorney can advise you of your rights and help you begin the legal process to seek compensation for your injuries and other damages you may have suffered.

Why Do I Need to Hire a Premises Liability Lawyer to Help Me File a Claim?

While no law states that you must hire a premises liability lawyer to file a claim, it is in your best interests to obtain legal representation immediately. Premises liability claims and the legal process can be quite complicated, and the burden of proof lies on the individual filing the claim to prove their case. Insurance companies have teams of lawyers whose only job is to look for ways to undervalue or deny claims.

Therefore, one of the best measures to protect yourself is to hire an experienced premises liability lawyer who can act as your legal advocate to help you navigate the legal system and obtain the justice and compensation you deserve.

Contact RTRLAW for a free, no-obligation case review to discuss your case with a qualified legal team member.