Texas Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Fight for Justice for Injured Motorcyclists

One of the most thrilling benefits of riding a motorcycle is the freedom of the open road and the economic savings it can bring. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are more likely to be injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident than other motorists. One apparent reason is that motorcyclists don’t have the same protection as those in an enclosed vehicle.
In addition, motorists often overlook or don’t expect motorcycle riders in traffic. Even if a motorcyclist utilizes defensive driving techniques while on the road, he or she may still be in danger from distracted drivers paying more attention to their radios, passengers or cell phones than the road in front of them.
RTRLAW is a Texas injury law firm dedicated to helping motorcycle accident victims obtain the justice and compensation they deserve for their injuries. Insurance companies often try to blame the motorcyclist for causing the accident to minimize their liability and avoid paying a significant financial payout. RTRLAW’s experienced motorcycle accident attorneys know all the deceptive techniques insurance companies employ and they will fight hard for our clients every step of the way.
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, be sure to call RTRLAW today toll free at 1-833-HIRE-RTR (1-833-447-3787) or in Texas at (972) 478-1801 for a free, no-obligation case review.
Why Do Motorcycle Accidents Occur in Texas?
As with any other traffic incident, motorcycle accidents can occur for many reasons. Unfortunately, Texas motorcyclists often find themselves in dangerous situations through no fault of their own.
Some of the most common factors that contribute to motorcycle accidents in Texas include:
- Distracted drivers: With the increased use of cell phones, motorists have one more way to be distracted when driving and not paying attention to what’s happening on the road. Other factors contributing to distracted driving include GPS and entertainment systems in newer model vehicles or paying attention to passengers in the car.
- Speeding/reckless driving: The number one causes of motorcycle accidents in Texas is speeding. When drivers of other motor vehicles speed, they may not have enough time to stop if a motorcyclist pulls out in front of them. Street racing in Texas has also become a serious issue, with vehicles reaching high speeds on busy city streets, causing a high risk for motorcyclists who may cross the path of the racing vehicles.
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol: Motorcycle riders are frequently disadvantaged because other drivers ignore them on the road and do not see them until it is too late. However, when a motor vehicle driver is under the influence, they have slowed reaction time and blurred vision. They may even pass out while driving, all posing significant risks to the unsuspecting motorcyclist.
- Left turns at intersections: When other drivers fail to yield at intersections, it often leads to the motorcyclist being t-boned or drivers trying to pass them on the left side. Of all the driving maneuvers a motorcyclist has to perform, left turns are the most dangerous. Often times a motorcyclist will have the “lay down” the motorcycle to try and avoid the accident and causing severe injury.
- Failure to obey traffic laws: When motorists fail to obey traffic laws, a motorcyclist typically takes the brunt of the accident. For example, if a motorist runs a red light, they could easily hit the biker at a high rate of speed, causing severe injuries.
- Following too closely: Often, drivers tailgate other vehicles, and motorcycles are no exception. If traffic comes to a quick stop, the motorcyclist could easily be pushed into the vehicles in front of them. Following too closely in a car often causes the motorcyclist to suffer chest, leg, and arm injuries.
If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident resulting from another driver’s negligence, you should obtain legal representation immediately. The personal injury lawyers of RTRLAW have extensive experience and can thoroughly evaluate the circumstances of your case to determine your legal options.
What Types of Injuries Do Most Motorcycle Accident Victims Suffer?
Because a motorcycle is lighter than cars and trucks surrounding it on the road, it offers far less protection to riders than heavier enclosed vehicles. As a result, injuries can be quite severe, leaving the rider and passenger having to pay expensive medical bills. Even if the injury victim has health insurance coverage, the cost of mounting medical care can create a financial crisis.
Some of the most common motorcycle accident injuries include:
- Road rash: One of the most prevalent injuries reported by motorcyclists after being involved in an accident is road rash. Even if the motorcyclist is wearing protective clothing, he or she can suffer road rash from being thrown off the bike and skidding on the rough pavement. Although it does not sound like a serious injury, if left untreated, it could turn into a painful skin infection that could spread throughout the body.
- Head and neck injuries: Even when wearing helmets, motorcyclists are prone to suffering head and neck injuries. Depending on the severity of the accident, head injuries or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can also lead to facial disfigurement, cognitive issues, severe brain damage, or even death.
- Fractured or broken bones: Due to the lack of physical protection, motorcyclists frequently suffer from fractured or broken bones. Sadly, the higher the speeds of the vehicles involved in the collision, the greater the chances of the biker suffering severe pelvic injuries, femurs, shins, and forearms. In addition, fractured or broken bone injuries can be excruciating and require a great deal of time to heal correctly.
- Hand and arm injuries: Biker’s Arm is a common injury that bikers experience due to the fact most individuals instinctively throw their arms out to protect themselves when falling. Biker’s Arm occurs when the rider lands on their arm on the asphalt and typically results in painful nerve damage.
- Burns: A biker can experience painful burns from spilled gas after a collision has occurred. Burns typically require the injury victim to need extensive medical treatment, such as skin grafts, and can be extremely painful.
- Spinal cord injuries: Many riders also suffer spinal cord injuries due to the high probability of being thrown off the bike in motorcycle accidents. A majority of spinal cord injuries are permanent and life-changing for the injury victim and can result in paralysis, nerve damage, chronic pain, and death.
What Should I Do if I Am Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by another person’s negligence, you may be uncertain of what you should do next. However, there are specific steps you must take to protect your health and well-being.
The essential steps to follow after being involved in a motorcycle accident include:
- First, do not leave the scene of the accident.
- If you are able, determine the extent of your injuries and that of your passenger if someone was traveling with you on the motorcycle.
- Report the accident to law enforcement officials by calling 911. If the accident resulted in injuries, be sure to request emergency medical responders.
- Document the scene by taking pictures and video. Be sure to document the lighting, terrain, road conditions, the condition of your motorcycle after the crash, and any skid marks in the road if visible.
- Obtain contact information from the other parties involved in the accident. Be sure to obtain their license plate, insurance, and driver’s license information.
- Collect witness statements from bystanders who may have witnessed the accident. In many cases, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to find witnesses later without having their information on hand.
- Seek medical attention immediately. Even if you do not feel like you have been injured, it is always in your best interest to be examined by a medical professional after being involved in a motorcycle accident. Often insurance companies do not want to honor injury claims if the victim has not been properly evaluated immediately following the accident.
- Obtain qualified legal representation from an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. Insurance companies frequently try to blame the motorcyclist for causing the accident to try and minimize their degree of liability. A skilled motorcycle injury attorney such as the ones at RTRLAW can represent and advise you on your next steps and fight hard to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
The personal injury attorneys of RTRLAW will not allow the insurance company to place the blame on you after being injured in a motorcycle accident. Our attorneys will fight hard to ensure your legal rights are protected and that you receive the justice you deserve.
Contact RTRLAW today for a free, no-obligation case review to discuss your accident and find out what legal options may be available.
Can I Recover Financial Compensation After a Texas Motorcycle Accident?
One of the essential issues that motorcycle accident victims want to know about is their ability to recover financial compensation. Motorcycle accident injuries typically require long-term rehabilitation for the victim to recover fully.
In some instances, motorcycle riders have suffered life-changing catastrophic injuries that will negatively impact all aspects of their lives. Additionally, the injured victims’ families suffer as they are now tasked with the physical and emotional challenges that accompany caring for their injured family members.
For these reasons, Texas motorcycle injury victims have the right to file a compensation claim to recover economic and non-economic damages. Economic and non-economic damages are also called compensatory damages because they are meant to “compensate” the victim for the losses they have suffered as a result of being injured.
What Do Economic Damages Cover?
Economic damages are awarded to personal injury victims to repay them for the money they have had to pay or may pay out of pocket after being injured. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, it’s essential that you keep a detailed record of your expenses including receipts for all property damage, medical treatments, X-rays and other medical expenses.
The most commonly awarded economic damages in Texas include:
- Past, current, and future medical bills
- Lost wages
- Loss of earning potential
- Property damage
Motorcycle injuries often result in the victim needing physical therapy and rehabilitation, which can quickly become costly. RTRLAW’s injury attorneys can request that you receive financial compensation that will cover your necessary medical expenses. RTRLAW’s injury attorneys will make sure your medical bills don’t go to collection and will make sure all medical bills are paid back protecting your credit. Some other medical expenses that may be included in a financial recovery include prescription drug costs, co-pays, and hospital bills.
What Are Non-Economic Damages?
Non-economic damages are granted to compensate the injury victim for intangible losses they have suffered. Because the circumstances of every motorcycle accident are different, non-economic damages will also vary.
Some of the most frequently awarded non-economic damages include:
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Loss of companionship
- Permanent disfigurement and scarring
One of the most significant advantages of hiring a personal injury attorney is that they can objectively assess your case and determine what damages would be appropriate.
Should I Take the Initial Offer from the Insurance Company?
Insurance companies frequently contact accident victims immediately following their accidents and try to offer quick settlements. Although this quick settlement may seem tempting, especially if your injuries prevent you from returning to work, it is rarely in your best interest.
Insurance providers often count on individuals to be desperate for some form of income and hope that the victim will jump at the first settlement offer. However, in most cases, the initial settlement is far less than what a personal injury victim could receive if they used a personal injury attorney to negotiate a settlement. Sometimes an initial settlement offer can be 100 times less then what your case is actually worth.
Insurance companies try to get claimants to agree to an initial settlement because it saves them from paying out a large financial recovery. However, unlike how they present themselves through advertising, insurance providers are for-profit companies that care about their financial bottom line, not accident victims who have filed claims against them.
Once you agree to a settlement and release all parties from further liability, you can’t recover any more money from the insurer, even if you are later diagnosed with injuries that were not detected initially.
Therefore, you should never agree to any type of settlement without having a personal injury attorney review the offer to ensure that it adequately provides for your current and future needs.
RTRLAW’s attorneys will review any offer the insurance company may present to you and advise you of your legal options. In many cases, when the insurance company knows you have qualified legal representation, they are more willing to offer a fair settlement.
Why Does the Insurance Adjuster Want Me to Give a Recorded Statement?
An insurance adjuster will often contact injury victims following an accident and ask them to consent to give a recorded statement detailing the facts and circumstances surrounding the accident. However, you should never give a recorded statement to an insurance provider without your lawyer being present.
It is crucial to remember that once you give a recorded statement, the insurance company has the legal right to use your words against you to deny or undervalue your claim. The insurance adjuster may seem to be very sympathetic; however, keep in mind, it’s their job to get you to accept the least amount of money possible in a compensation claim.
Some other important facts to remember when dealing with insurance adjusters are:
- Even if the adjuster pressures you to consent, politely tell them it is your right to decline under Texas law.
- Only provide the adjuster with basic contact information such as your name, phone number, and address.
- Do not volunteer any information.
- Be polite and do not argue with the insurance company representative.
- Stay calm and remember that you do not have to divulge any information about what happened in the accident.
- Do not discuss your injuries or medical treatment.
- Decline any quick settlement that may be offered.
- Refer the adjuster to your attorney for further information.
If you’ve been contacted by an insurance adjuster, contact RTRLAW immediately toll-free at 1-833-HIRE-RTR (1-833-447-3787) or in Texas number at (972) 478-1801 for a free, no-obligation case review.
Why Should I Hire a Texas Motorcycle Accident Attorney?
In many instances, motorcycle injury victims choose to try and handle a compensation claim on their own. However, most people quickly realize that filing a claim is more complicated than they originally believed.
That being the case, a personal injury attorney working on your side will prove to be invaluable when you are trying to recover fair compensation. One of the most critical reasons you need a motorcycle accident attorney is they have the legal training to objectively evaluate your claim and protect your legal rights. Many injury victims are unaware of the types of damages they may be eligible to recover without the legal advice of a knowledgeable attorney.
Some of the other positive aspects associated with having a personal injury attorney include:
- Identifying the parties who are liable for the damages you have suffered.
- Assisting you with correctly filling out the necessary paperwork and ensuring that it’s turned in before any statute of limitation.
- Collecting and analyzing evidence that will build and strengthen your case.
- Acting as your legal advocate with the insurance company.
- Handling all of the negotiations with the insurance company so that you can focus on your recovery.
- Calculating the amount of compensation you should seek in a settlement offer.
Will My Motorcycle Accident Case Have to Go to Court?
Many injury victims are fearful that their accident case will have to go to court to be resolved. However, the majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. Attorneys for both sides typically work out a settlement agreement through negotiations or a mediation.
If the insurance company is unwilling to negotiate or does not offer a settlement that is in an injury victim’s best interest, it may be necessary to go to trial. Even though the prospect of going to court may seem overwhelming, the personal injury attorneys of RTRLAW have vast experience arguing cases in a courtroom. Many other personal injury attorneys lack courtroom experience which can hamper a motorcycle accident victim’s ability to recover compensation.
Insurance companies have attorneys who look to exploit weaknesses in a case to undervalue or deny claims. Nevertheless, our law firm’s attorneys are fearless when it comes to standing up to the insurance companies and will fight to ensure you are treated fairly and recover the maximum compensation for your injuries.
How Can RTRLAW Help Me with My Legal Needs?
The personal injury attorneys of RTRLAW are passionately committed to helping motorcycle injury victims in their time of need. Studies show that accident victims who hire a personal injury attorney usually receive more compensation for their accidents than if they hadn’t hired an attorney.
Our Texas attorneys will negotiate with the insurance companies to help you get compensated for your injuries and, if necessary, take your case to court. Our attorneys have extensive legal experience inside and outside the courtroom and know how to get results for our clients.
We realize this is a time of great uncertainty in your life as you decide what to do to protect yourself and your family’s future. However, we are dedicated to holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions or inactions and helping you receive the justice you deserve.
You can visit our offices in Dallas or Garland to meet with an attorney or our attorneys and investigators can also come to you, even if you are in the hospital or confined to your home due to your injuries. If we choose to take your case, you will not pay anything upfront. RTRLAW works on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay NOTHING unless we win your case and win money for you.
Since our founding in 1988, RTRLAW has represented tens of thousands of clients and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation and settlements. Our attorneys fight hard to protect our clients’ legal rights and get them the compensation they deserve for their injuries.
For more information or for a free, no-obligation case review, CHAT WITH US NOW, contact us, call or text us 24 hours a day, seven days a week toll-free at 1-833-HIRE-RTR (1-833-447-3787), or call us in Texas at (972) 478-1801, or you can email us at [email protected].