Ft. Lauderdale Family Law Attorneys Assist Clients with Divorce, Child Custody and Other Legal Needs

Families come with their own unique set of problems. When situations such as divorce or child custody arise, the best step you can take to protect yourself and your family is to turn to a qualified family law attorney for help.
Not all attorneys are qualified or have the experience necessary to help with some of the complexities that accompany family law. Due to the often sensitive and private nature of family law legal matters, it’s always best to hire an experienced, qualified family law attorney who can work to resolve your matter as quickly as possible.
If you’re facing a divorce or need the assistance of a family law attorney, contact RTRLAW in Ft. Lauderdale to find out more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our dedicated family law attorneys. We’ll gladly answer your questions and explain your legal options.
What Legal Services Does a Family Law Attorney Provide?
Just as the name implies, family law centers around issues that are specific to families. Of course, family law assists individuals with marital issues such as divorce and spousal support, but there are many more legal services that a family attorney is able to provide to clients.
Other areas of family law include:
- High-net-worth divorce
- Restraining orders
- Child custody or parenting plans
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
- Divorce modifications and enforcement
- Litigation and dispute resolution
Because of the diverse nature of family law, you need a lawyer who has the necessary skills to handle all of the above-listed legal issues.
RTRLAW realizes this is most likely an emotionally charged time for you and your family. Our caring and compassionate family law attorneys treat each case with a high level of professionalism and empathy as we assist you in your time of need.
Why Should I Have a Prenuptial Agreement?
A prenuptial agreement (prenup) is always a sound choice if you and your prospective spouse are entering into a marriage with assets you have already accumulated. A prenup is a written legal agreement between the two of you that outlines how financial matters will be handled during the marriage and divided if the marriage should end in a divorce. For example, the agreement typically makes distinctions about the amount and duration of spousal support that should be paid.
A prenup is ideal for couples who want to ensure that debts are kept separate or how assets will be divided in the event of divorce or one spouse’s death. Many individuals who have children from previous marriages utilize a prenup to ensure they inherit certain property after their death.
However, a prenup can’t include anything that would be deemed illegal. A prenup also can’t make any sort of prearrangement for child support or matters that pertain to child custody issues. Those types of legal matters can be decided by a judge as they are specific to a child’s needs, or the parties can agree at the time of separation as to the amount of support and timesharing based upon the income of the parties and timesharing schedule. Additionally, you should never be made to feel that you are being forced or pressured to sign a prenup that does not keep your interests in mind.
Every prenup is different based on the needs of the soon-to-be spouses. Before you agree to a prenup, you need to have a knowledgeable attorney review it to ensure that the agreement is legal and in your best interests.
Can a Family Law Attorney Help Me Modify My Spousal Support?
Florida law stipulates that spousal support payments may be modified if it can be demonstrated that substantial changes in circumstances have occurred for either party. However, any type of modification can only be made through a Florida family law court.
Some of the most common reasons that a modification may be granted include:
- Changes in a party’s financial ability to pay spousal support
- Death of one of the parties
- Retirement
- Incarceration
- A medical emergency
However, one of the most common grounds for modifying spousal support is the existence of a support relationship. If it can be determined that an individual who is receiving spousal support resides with another person after a divorce and they have a supportive relationship, the court may reduce the amount of spousal support they are eligible to collect. In some instances, the court may order a termination of spousal support completely if it finds that the supportive relationship fully meets the financial needs of the recipient.
A supportive relationship occurs when an individual cohabitates with another person and receives financial support that’s similar to that of marriage. A supportive relationship does not include any type of living arrangement that includes residing with a family member of anyone who is a blood relative, or roommates who share the cost of rent.
If you feel that your circumstances have changed since your original spousal support order, you need to consult with a skilled family law attorney as soon as possible. The family law attorneys at RTRLAW have extensive experience handling all issues related to spousal support and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a family law attorney.
What is the Difference Between a Divorce and a Dissolution of Marriage in Florida?
Under Florida law, there is no difference between a divorce and a dissolution of marriage. Both are legal terms that are often used synonymously to describe the process of ending a marriage.
There are two very different types of dissolution of marriage available in Florida:
A Regular Dissolution of Marriage: A regular dissolution of marriage is a traditional approach to divorce. This type of divorce is the most frequent choice for individuals who have minor-aged children, have joint marital assets, and those with spousal support obligations.
A Simplified Dissolution of Marriage: This option is often the choice of couples who simply want to divorce as quickly as possible. However, to qualify for a simplified dissolution of marriage, the couple must not share minor-aged children, and both agree to an uncontested divorce. Furthermore, alimony or spousal support cannot be granted in a simplified dissolution of marriage.
Why Should I Choose RTRLAW to Help Me?
RTRLAW recognizes that any legal matter related to the wellbeing of your family can cause you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. At RTRLAW, our main objective is to ensure that clients feel they have received a favorable resolution to their legal issues.
Our family law attorneys have extensive experience in handling all issues that pertain to family law and can offer you an objective opinion and legal advice on the best course of action for your situation. Our experienced family law attorneys are skilled litigators who have spent a significant amount of time in the courtroom and are fearless when it comes to standing up for your rights.
We understand you want a quick resolution to your legal matter and we pledge to work diligently with the other party’s legal representative to come to an agreement that leaves both parties feeling that their needs have been met.
If you’re facing legal issues that affect your family, contact the family law attorneys at RTRLAW in Ft. Lauderdale by calling (954) 370-5152 or our toll-free number, 1-833-HIRE-RTR (833-447-3787, to schedule a consultation and get more information about how we can assist you.