How RTRLAW Works With Florida Doctors on Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Suits

If you’re a Florida doctor or medical provider who works with patients who have been injured in car accidents and are utilizing their PIP insurance coverage to pay their medical bills, you need to have an experienced PIP attorney on speed dial to help you get paid everything that you deserve.
PIP (Personal Injury Protection) refers to the required insurance coverage that every Florida driver must carry as part of their personal auto insurance policy.
When a driver is involved in a car accident, PIP pays 80% of the driver’s medical expenses, lost wages and other expenses up to $10,000, the required amount of coverage.
Florida is a “no-fault” state, so that means the insured doesn’t have to wait to get reimbursed for medical expenses from the other party’s insurance or from a court after it determines who is at fault in an accident. No matter who is at fault, if drivers need treatment for injuries incurred in an accident, they simply go through their own personal auto insurance carriers and are covered for medical expenses by PIP.
What Happens If You Don’t Get Paid?
Doctors (and patients) rely on PIP to cover the treatment costs for injuries like broken bones, head and brain injuries, and soft tissue injuries caused by auto accidents. So, what happens if you don’t get paid for the medical care you provide?
In a perfect world, doctors, neurologists, orthopedists, chiropractors, diagnostic facilities/imaging centers, therapists, etc. send in medical bills for treating injured drivers to the patient’s PIP insurance company. Then, the insurance company sends a check out immediately to reimburse the medical provider in full.
However, in the real world, insurance carriers often delay or deny payment to medical providers for a variety of reasons (e.g., they don’t agree that charges for treatment are justified, there is incorrect or false information in the patient’s insurance application, or the patient failed to comply with the exact requirements in their policy). Many PIP insurance companies, for example, require their insured to only see doctors the company selects following a car accident and may refuse coverage if the driver sees a doctor of their own choosing. In a nutshell, PIP insurance carriers will try every trick in the book to avoid having to pay medical providers what they rightly owe.
When a medical provider doesn’t get paid for services rendered or is paid only a portion of the total bill submitted, the provider has a right to sue the insurance company for full payment, as well as the legal fees associated with pursuing the claim and any possible penalties and interest associated with the delay in benefits.
That’s where RTRLAW comes in.
The Florida Doctor’s Best Friend
According to Florida law, medical providers may seek competent legal counsel to help them with suing insurance companies to collect what is due plus legal fees, damages and interest. Medical providers have just five years to file claims with the PIP insurance companies on unpaid PIP bills. The amounts owed on these PIP bills might range from just a few dollars up to hundreds of dollars per bill. And if you’re like other doctors and medical providers, you may have HUNDREDS of these unpaid or partially paid PIP bills filed in your office. The unpaid bills can really add up over time and leave you in the red.
At RTRLAW, we want you to be able to do what you do best – care for your patients. You simply don’t have time to follow up with insurance companies on all the PIP cases that come through your doors, especially if you’re shorted only a few bucks per bill. But you deserve to be paid in full for every time you’ve provided the expert medical care your patients need!
RTRLAW supports doctors and medical service providers by filing their PIP claims with the insurance companies and demanding the companies pay the bills that they were contracted to pay. We work hard to get the best possible outcome for all of our clients, with the goal of getting you paid in full on all of your outstanding PIP bills.
Let RTRLAW Audit Your PIP Files to Get You the Money You Deserve
We do all the work for you, and make it easy for you to get the money you’re owed. Our experienced PIP attorneys and trained legal team can do a complimentary audit of all your PIP files that are still within the five-year statute of limitations.
We will come to your office and review and scan all of your billing records and paperwork to locate any potential PIP claims.
We’ll go through each file thoroughly and determine just how much you are owed and how much you might be able to claim with various insurance carriers. We’ll send out demand letters and submit claims to the insurance carriers on your behalf. If required, we’ll even take your cases to court to get you what you deserve.
There are no upfront costs, and in fact, you don’t pay any fees to us at all. If we prevail in your case, the insurance carrier pays our legal fees.
Every medical provider that submits payments under PIP should have a PIP attorney on speed dial and ready to help.
Let RTRLAW be that PIP team for you. Our practice is dedicated to helping clients just like you and we’re committed to getting you the best possible outcome for your PIP claims.
RTRLAW’s legal team is available to meet with you at your office or at one of our convenient offices in Florida, including Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Lake Worth, or by appointment in Miami or Jacksonville, for a no-obligation case review and audit of your files.
For more information, contact our PIP attorneys today, email [email protected] or call or text us toll free at 1-833-HIRE-RTR (1-833-447-3787).