As one of the most populated states in the country, Texas is no stranger to heavy traffic. Among the network of roads that crisscross the state, tollways play a significant role, especially in busy regions like the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. While they expedite travel and ease congestion, tollways also experience numerous auto accidents each year. Many of these incidents lead to a variety of driver and passenger injuries, some of which may be life-altering.

RTRLAW’s seasoned team of injury attorneys in Texas is here to shed light on the potential injuries that can stem from tollway accidents and the importance of obtaining qualified legal counsel in such scenarios:

  • Head and Brain Injuries: Accidents at high speeds on tollways can lead to severe head and brain injuries. These can range from mild concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can cause long-term cognitive issues, behavioral changes, and physical disabilities. Some victims can even end up in a coma or vegetative state.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: High-impact collisions can cause damage to the spinal cord, leading to temporary or permanent paralysis. These life-changing injuries often require long-term medical care, physical therapy, and assistive devices, putting an emotional and financial strain on victims and their families.
  • Broken Bones: Accidents on tollways often result in broken bones. From simple fractures that heal within weeks to complex breaks requiring multiple surgeries and extended recovery time, these injuries can significantly disrupt a victim’s life.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Whiplash, strains, and sprains are common soft tissue injuries in tollway accidents. Though often overlooked, they can cause considerable discomfort and long-term complications if not treated promptly.
  • Internal Injuries: The force of a collision can cause internal injuries, including damage to organs, internal bleeding, or punctured lungs. Such injuries are often life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.
  • Cuts and Lacerations: Shattered glass and metal debris from an accident can cause deep cuts and lacerations. These injuries carry risks of infection, scarring, and in severe cases, amputation.

Navigating the aftermath of a tollway accident can be overwhelming. Not only do victims have to cope with the physical pain, but the emotional trauma and financial burden of medical expenses, loss of earnings, and property damage add to the distress. This is where hiring experienced injury attorneys like the ones at RTRLAW becomes essential.

Texas law mandates all drivers to carry liability insurance policies. If you’re injured in an accident, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries and related expenses. An experienced auto accident attorney at RTRLAW can guide you through the complex claim-filing process, helping ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Throughout your case, our qualified attorneys will fight for your rights and litigate your case as necessary to help you seek justice.

Let RTRLAW Help You with Your Injury Case Today

If you’re a victim of a tollway accident, you don’t have to go it alone through this challenging time. We’ve been championing the rights of motor vehicle accident victims since 1988, recovering hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients.

Being aware of the potential injuries from tollway accidents is the first step. Securing qualified legal assistance to navigate the aftermath is the next. Reach out to RTRLAW today to get the dedicated legal representation you need following a tollway accident in Texas. For a free, no-obligation case review, call or text us toll free at 1-833-HIRE-RTR (1-833-447-3787) or call us at our Garland office at (972) 521-8835.